CPO社製「荷電粒子光学設計ソフト CPO3D/CPO3DS」

CPO(Charged Particle Optics)は、静電場・磁場における荷電粒子の軌道を計算するソフトウェアアプリケーションです。BEM (Boundary element method境界要素法)を使用しており、より正確なスペース・チャージ、カソードエミッション、誘導体などのシミュレーションが可能です。
特 徴
- 200以上のサンプルプログラム
- どのような電極でも対応可能
- BEM法による正確なシミュレーション
- Supplied with over 200 benchmark and other tests to demonstrate the high speed and high accuracy.
- Deal easily with electrodes and cathodes of any shape and relative size.
- In Windows 7 and 8, very easy to use and well supported, with comprehensive
Help systems and ‘data-builders’ that are integral parts of the programs. - The Boundary Element Method is ideally suited for space-charge and cathodes.
- Fully relativistic.
- Easy to calculate lens properties.
- Ideal for project work for Undergraduate and Masters students, as well as being the professional Electron Optician’s program.
- Free, fully working ‘demonstration versions’ can be downloaded -these have a restricted number of electrodes.